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Teams are invited to request training times by using the form below. Training will be allocated by 1/2 field, for a 90 minute block.  Training requests must be made a minimum of 48 hours in advance. Space will be allocated on a first come, first served basis; however, teams who book multiple sessions at once may not have their additional sessions accommodated until all teams have had a chance to book their primary (first) training slot. 


Training is at Hjorth Athletic Park, located at: 


10275 148th Street

Surrey, BC


The LOC will provide transportation to the first training slot for each team. Transportation for additional training time, will be the responsibility of the team. 


Please request each training request individually. The LOC will consider each team’s first request as that which will require transportation provided.


**Training field requests must be made a minimum of 48 hours in advance. 



Training Field Request Form


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